Filling or filling is a dental technique that uses artificial materials to replace missing tooth tissue. This method is effective in both aesthetics and improves chewing function for patients. The filling of deep teeth is necessary to protect oral health as well as save costs before large decayed teeth cause more serious complications.

As a relatively simple and effective solution, dental fillings are indicated in the following cases.
1. Filling with decayed teeth
Tooth decay is simply understood as a condition in which holes appear in the teeth, causing food stuffing and discomfort and pain when chewing. Before filling, the doctor will clean all decayed tooth tissue and replace it with a material with biological properties closest to tooth tissue.
2. Covered chipped teeth
When biting into something that is too hard or unfortunately injured, the teeth can crack/chip, directly affecting aesthetics as well as chewing. The doctor will use the same technique, clean the teeth then restore the original tooth shape.
3. Filling for sparse teeth
Filling or filling is one of the least invasive methods, helping to close the gaps between teeth without having to remove much tooth tissue.
So are fillings painful or harmful to teeth?
Most dental filling procedures do not cause any discomfort to the patient. In severe cases of tooth decay, your doctor may need anesthesia to reduce sensitivity when removing decayed tooth tissue. The filling is completely harmless, it helps the teeth restore their anatomical shape, ensuring chewing function as well as aesthetics for the patient.