Wisdom tooth extraction is a minor surgery to remove one or more wisdom teeth that causes complications in adults
Wisdom tooth (also known as tooth number 8) is the teeth that grows in the innermost position of both sides of the upper and lower teeth. Wisdom teeth usually erupt at different times, but are common in adulthood (between 18-25 years old). Usually, each person will have 4 wisdom teeth, but there are also cases where there are fewer, even none.
These teeth are called wisdom teeth, but in fact, most of them are not “wisdom” when they often grow out of alignment, affecting the adjacent teeth. Because they are in the innermost position, cleaning these teeth is also very difficult, leading to easy food, tooth decay, and even damage to the pulp. Therefore, in many cases, wisdom teeth will need to be removed to avoid consequences to adjacent teeth.
Step 1: Clinical examination and X-ray
The doctor will do a clinical examination, take X-rays and check the status of your wisdom teeth for decay, deviation, and influence on the adjacent teeth, from which will advise appropriate tooth extraction.
Step 2: Do a blood test
To make sure there are no abnormalities during the coagulation process or the healing period after surgery is going smoothly, you will be ordered to have a blood test that includes the necessary biochemical and hematological parameters. You can get a blood test done at any hospital or testing center. It usually takes several hours from the time the blood is drawn until the results are available.
Step 3: Minor surgery to remove wisdom teeth
After having blood test results to ensure health problems and once again checking the oral condition and overall health on the day of minor surgery, the doctor will proceed to remove the wisdom teeth.
Steps to remove wisdom teeth:
- Anesthesia: the doctor will numb the area of the tooth to be extracted to limit pain during the minor surgery
- Extraction: the doctor will make an incision to remove the crown and root of the tooth. In some cases, the doctor may have to cut the tooth into several parts to make it easier to remove the tooth and avoid affecting the adjacent teeth.
- Hemostasis: after removing the tooth from the socket, the doctor will sew the wound closed and the patient will bite gauze to stop the bleeding.
After the extraction is complete, you will wait about 30 minutes to monitor the bleeding. Next, the doctor will examine and advise and prescribe medicine before you leave.
Step 4: Check and cut thread
After about 7-10 days, you will go to the clinic to check and have the stitches removed. In some cases, suture removal may not be necessary because sutures are dissolvable. However, if possible, you should cut the thread to avoid entanglement and discomfort during eating.
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