When does tooth mineral loss occur?

In children who eat a lot of sugar, starch combined with poor oral hygiene or orthodontic patients after removing braces, white dotted lesions may appear on the teeth. This is an early sign of mineral destruction beneath the surface of tooth enamel, which not only causes aesthetic loss for the patient when communicating, but also leads to later tooth decay. The loss of mineralization will create a porous surface layer, which changes the properties of tooth enamel, This phenomenon can appear in both baby teeth as well as permanent teeth.

Treat teeth with white spots with icon

So how to treat white spots, should lesions such as tooth decay be cleaned and filled with filling materials? In fact, such early lesions are often treated with Icon – remineralization of tooth enamel. This is a minimally invasive technique that penetrates deep organization surfaces with photopolymerized resins without removing the damaged organ. So remineralization of tooth enamel is also called microinvasive, or an intermediate measure between prophylaxis and invasive treatment.

Benefits of icon therapy

  • Bring aesthetics to teeth
  • Preservation of tooth structure
  • No pain, no anesthesia, no teeth grinding required

Indications for treatment with Icon

In addition to treating white spots on teeth, Icon is also treated for small interstitial lesions, which have not formed cavities or remineralized tooth enamel for post-orthodontic patients. Today, Icon is more widely applied and applied on lesions with larger sizes. However, this technique is not applicable to patients with tooth color infection due to fluorine, tetracycline, enamel hypoplasia, chemical tooth wear or tooth injury. Enamel lesions that have formed cavities or worn teeth in the neck, exposed tusks or only a little thin enamel cannot improve with ICON treatment.

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